Book O'Clock
3 min readAug 24, 2020

Nnedi Okorafor in new photo shows off her arms; credits writing books for the gains

The Africanfuturism and SciFi writer, Nnedi Okorafor shook the internet some days ago when she released a stunning photo of her flexed arm in all its muscular glory.

She went on to caption the photo, “Look what years of writing books has done to my arms...”

She had some minutes before sharing the photo teased her fans by asking if they wanted to see something. Her fans who had thought it was a book related tweet or another project revolving her craft, were eager to see what she wanted to reveal, but Nnedi’s ‘guns’ followed afterward and boy was it a sight! They were, like we are, mesmerised (in our case, add intimidated) by it. I guess it’s not just Nnedi’s writing that is spellbinding.

See tweet:

Some Reactions:

@ZerchHarvey: “Lifting all those award statuettes will do that!” We agree.

@Axtuse: “I hope you have the proper permits and medical equipment, to keep those sick pythons in your home.” There just has to be.

@ejvanc: “Holy cow, I was OK just admiring you for your mind you know.” Up your game, girlie.

@zoenne: “Yeaaaaah! Look at those! Superheroine!” When your business is to create superheroes, you become one.

@guts_nelson: “Wasn’t expecting a gun show today.” Nelson, nobody was. But we love us some guns.

But does writing really give you that perfect body?

Writing is as much a physical activity as it is a mental activity. Whether you’re writing in the traditional way, that is, with a pen or a paper or typing on a computer, it takes a lot of physical energy to do that. The up-and-down movement of your hands and fingers, the unconscious pacing around when the ideas are not coming as you want them to, and much more are physical activities and so burn calories. While this isn’t scientifically proven, (we are just book nerds), it is logical for you to conclude that indeed writing can be another form of work out.

And for writers like Nnedi Okorafor whose productivity are immeasurable, it is no surprise when their guns are shooting stars.

Nnedi just a week ago published her 18th book, Ikenga. This is notwithstanding the more still in progress, the 3rd in the Akata series for example, Remote Control and others. It’s only natural that this sorta dedication turn in a good bud.

So, #writingcommunity, looking to have a great bud? Get writing. Haha. But don’t just stop at that. Nnedi recommends, “…pull-ups, curls and push-ups” too. We all deserve some guns.

Book O'Clock
Book O'Clock

Written by Book O'Clock

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