Book O'Clock
3 min readDec 18, 2020

Becoming a Better Reader

By: Miracle Ladidi Moses

As a passionate reader and one who reads virtually everything; memoirs, poetry, novels, history and others, I’ve had people ask me how I manage to read books in such short periods of time and how I am able to remain consistent in my reading habits. This article, I hope, will help you in becoming a better reader.

“First rule of reading is, there is no rule.”

While some of us are able to assimilate even when reading fast, others might need to read slowly if they would understand anything. While some enjoy reading naturally, others have to build a habit. Either way, you understand yourself better and would know what works for you better than anyone.

If you are a natural bookie who has just always enjoyed being buried in the pages of a book, congratulations. If you aren’t, it is never too late to build a habit.

For one trying to build a reading habit, consistency is key. It could be difficult, especially if you’re still exploring your interests. But to make easier, start with achievable short-term goals. Do not set your goals so lofty that they scare you. And do not get discouraged when you have a setback or are unable to achieve a goal, you can always go at it again.

Besides, it happens to the best of us.

You should also select books on topics you are interested in. Sometimes, I start reading a book, abandon it midway and even forget about it until weeks later. You want a book that’s able to keep your attention for the most part of the journey because even with those ones, you sometimes just get tired and want a break.

Before starting a book, you might want to check out online reviews of the said book. This would help prepare you, albeit to a very minimum extent, as to what to expect in the said book.

How many pages are in your book? And how long do you plan to take on it? To make easier, you might want to set the number of pages you should read per day. It makes it easier to hold yourself accountable. And breaking it down might make the lofty goal of completing a book, for one never has, an easier goal. So if you want to read a 100 page book in 2 weeks, you would know your assignment is to read 7 pages every single day.

Now, sticking to that number of pages might be hard. But this is where your commitment, without which you cannot build this habit, comes in. So, commitment and consistency.

Lastly, you need to give yourself breaks between books. Allow your brain the time to process all it has consumed. I like to give my brain a break after finishing an old book and before starting a new one. I am no expert but it always feels great.

Books are a world of their own, worlds actually, so many different worlds. And after all the craziness that is reality, we all need the respite they provide in their warm embrace.

Besides, readers are leaders so, read to lead. I hope this helps.


Miracle Ladidi Moses is a 400L student of Forestry, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Lives in Niger, can be found most times being kept company by a book.

Book O'Clock
Book O'Clock

Written by Book O'Clock

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