2020 In Books: A Pun On Some Book Titles
Book O’Clock UDUS is one of the book clubs affiliated to Book O’Clock Review. Here is what 2020 looked like for them; a pun on titles of the books read by the club:
Kicked off the book club in April with A Man of the People. Parted ways when Oyinkan Braithwaithe told him of our Sister, The Serial Killer, then flew to Afghan to behold the great Khaled Hosseini's Kite Runner. Back to Nigeria and boy were we stupefied by The Things Around Your Neck, so much that we embarked on a Hating Game.
Elnathan John's Becoming Nigeria was a much enjoyed comic-relief, before we jumped back in time to post-colonial Ghana and learnt from Ayi Kweh Armah that the Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born, maintained the times and made a switch to South-west Nigeria where Wole Soyinka treated us to the play, The Death and the King's Horseman, no sooner did we jet to Philadelphia, was caught in a failing romance and became Americanahs.
On our way back, we made a stop at South Africa and Deon told of us a man who was seen Dead at Daybreak. Nigeria now, a trip to the future became necessary and we saw War Girls rise up in defence of humanity.
Ended 2020, 29, Single & Nigerian.
How many of these books have you read? Happy New Year!We wish you a bookish 2021. Want to join the book club? Send a DM here.